The Préhistomuseum

The Centre for Conservation, Study and Documentation (CCED)

The CCED is responsible for ensuring that the collections in the keeping of the Museum are properly conserved and made accessible. It includes a Documentation Unit available to all. 

The Centre for Conservation, Study and Documentation (CCED)

The CCED houses the reserves of the Préhistomuseum, along with the infrastructure supporting the management and study of the archaeological collections. It is also home to the Museum’s Documentation Unit, which is open to all. 

The CCED’s task is to conserve, study and disseminate the substantial body of archaeological, natural and documentary heritage held in the keeping of the Préhistomuseum.

The “Archaeology I Professions and Research” exhibition offers the public an insight into the CCED’s archaeological reserves and research spaces. 

The collections

The main collection managed by the CCED is that of the “Chercheurs de la Wallonie” [external link], consisting of collections, archives and a library of Prehistory and Archaeology in the main, but also encompassing speleology, biospeleology, geology and palaeontology. The CCED is also the repository of collections belonging to various public authorities (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [external link], Agence wallonne du Patrimoine [external link], municipal administrations) or to archaeological societies. The CCED is also responsible for the conservation of the Ramioul Cave and the biodiversity that surrounds it.


In short, the CCED consists of:

Material originating from over 500 archaeological sites, mostly situated in the provinces of Liège and Namur.
The fruit of over 100 years of archaeological digs and research.
Collections not only from Prehistory but also from the Gallo-Roman and Mediaeval periods, as well as biospeleological, mineralogical and palaeontological collections.
Private and professional archaeological collections (preventive or survey excavations), invariably accompanied by their archives.
A specialist library and archive centre, offering assistance with documentary research.
An archaeological depository licensed by the Walloon heritage agency (AWaP), equipped with the necessary conservation, management, post-excavation, and study facilities.

Access to the collections and the archives is by appointment only. 

The Documentation Unit is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and is open to the public free of charge. 

The “Archaeology | Professions & Research exhibition is open to all visitors to the Préhistomuseum during Museum opening hours.



Cécile Jungels, CCED manager

+32 4 228 97 64

Documentation Unit: 

Roland Raynaud, Information Officer/Archivist

+32 4 228 97 63