The Education Service and the Mediation Laboratory

The Education Service and its Mediation Laboratory engage in constant research into heritage mediation. They devise and run visit programmes tailored to every kind of audience, to enable each individual to appropriate their heritage in their own particular way.  

The Préhistomuseum has its own Mediation Laboratory that carries out research and evaluations in the field of heritage mediation, and an Education Service that designs and develops the Museum’s educational programmes. Together, they aim to equip each visitor with the right tools and aids to re-appropriate their own heritage and history on an individual basis. On a wider scale, the service seeks to engage each visitor in proactive learning by encouraging them to reflect on what it is to be human, on relationships with others and on the relations between humankind and nature, in time and in space. Prehistory offers particularly fertile soil for an undertaking of this kind.  

Based on the Mediation Laboratory’s expertise, the Education Service designs visit programmes and ongoing training modules for teaching staff or museum professionals, produces and publishes teaching resources and creates visit support tools for both our permanent facilities and our temporary exhibitions. 

In addition to the programme of activities and the one-off events staged by the Museum, the Mediation Laboratory is at your service for any specific request relating to a project you have in hand. Together, we can jointly design a visit programme that specifically addresses all your issues.